CENTRAL BANGKA - Central Bangka Regency DPRD, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, held a plenary meeting with the agenda of dismissing Deputy Regent Herry Erfin who resigned from his position because he chose to become a member of the Indonesian Regional Representative Council (DPD). his position as Deputy Regent of Central Bangka at his own request," said Chairman of the Central Bangka DPRD, Me Hoa, in Koba, Central Bangka Regency, Thursday, June 2.

Me Hoa explained that Herry Erfian left the position of deputy regent because he preferred to serve as a member of the DPD RI through an interim replacement (PAW) to replace the former governor of the Bangka Belitung Islands, Hudarni Rani, who was permanently unable to attend due to his death. The plenary meeting was a follow-up to Law Number 23 2014 concerning Regional Government which states that the regional head and/or deputy regional head are dismissed on the grounds of permanent absence, death, or his own request. The dismissal must be immediately announced by the leadership of the local DPRD to be proposed to the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian through the Governor of the Bangka Belitung Islands , which is held by Acting (Pj.) Ridwan Djamaluddin. "We have implemented the mechanism and we all legislators express our gratitude to Herry Erfian for the partnership so far, and hope to serve the Babylonian community through the position of DPD RI," Me Hoa was quoted as saying. A between.

Meanwhile, after his dismissal as deputy regent, Herry Erfian said he had thought carefully about deciding to become a DPD RI member. "After almost two years as deputy regent, today I resigned and chose to become a DPD member as an interim replacement," said Herry. He also thanked the people of Central Bangka who have supported and assisted him while leading the area. who supported me at that time," said Herry.

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