SURABAYA - The Surabaya Corruption Court (Tipikor) has granted a request for transfer of detention filed by the inactive Probolinggo Regent Puput Tantriana Sari and her husband, Hasan Aminuddin. Both of them want their detention to be moved from KPK detention in Jakarta to Surabaya.

"The main reason is because both of them have children who are still under five years old (toddlers) who need the love of their parents. And Alhamdulillah, the panel of judges has granted their request," said legal counsel for the defendants Tantri and Hasan, Gunadi Wibakso, after the trial of the verdict. at the Corruption Court in Surabaya, East Java, Thursday, June 2.

Gunadi said the request for transfer of detention was submitted by Tantri and Hasan because both of them have children who are still three years old. Because, since being arrested and named suspects in August 2021, Tantri and Hasan have been detained by the KPK in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the corruption case in the sale and purchase of positions that ensnared the two was carried out at the Surabaya Corruption Court.

The KPK reasoned that Tantri and Hasan were still being held in Jakarta for the purposes of investigating the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU), the development of the case of buying and selling positions.

“We can imagine humanly being separated by a three-year-old child from his mother. We are fathers too, so we beg for at least if it is near [the detention location], emotionally, psychologically, we can be happier," he said.

Gunadi is grateful that the panel of judges granted his client's request. So that the detentions of Tantri and Hasan will be immediately transferred to the Class I Detention Center Surabaya Branch of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office. "Alhamdulillah, it has been granted, we are now just waiting for the execution by the public prosecutor," he said.

As previously reported, Tantri and Hasan were sentenced to four years in prison and fined Rp. 200 million subsidiary.

Especially for Tantri, the judge also requires to compensate the state for Rp. 20 million, a subsidiary of six months in prison. Both were found guilty of corruption in the sale and purchase of positions.

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