JAKARTA - Densus 88 Anti-terror said that a student from Universitas Brawijaya (Unibraw) with the initials IA who was arrested in Malang, East Java, collected funds and sent it to several institutions. The goal is to help family members of terrorist suspects.

"He is known to have sent money to several fundraising institutions, which are known to aim to help people whose husbands/family members are in sijjin (prison, ed) because of terrorism cases," said Head of Banops Densus 88 Anti-terror Police Kombes Aswin Siregar when confirmed , Friday, May 27.

Based on the results of the examination, the Malang student admitted that the money was only given to help the family of a terrorist suspect.

However, until now, it is not known in detail about the pattern of fundraising carried out by IA.

"His confession is a personal charity," said Aswin.

"However, investigators are still conducting intensive examinations because of IA," he continued.

In addition, the results of the examination also revealed that IA was not included in the organizational structure of Jamaah Ansharud Daulah (JAD). Included in the funding section.

"The position of IA is not in JAD's organizational structure for funding," said Aswin.

IA is a student of Unibraw Malang majoring in International Relations. He was arrested in connection with a terrorism case on Monday, May 23.

From the results of the interim examination, IA has several roles, for example, managing social media is known to often spread propaganda content about ISIS.

In addition, IA is also known to have communicated with one of the terrorist suspects from the JAD group with the initials MR who was arrested in 2019.

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