MALUKU - Deputy Governor of Maluku, Barnabas Orno, asked Bodewin Wattimena to prioritize reducing poverty in Ambon after being sworn in as Mayor of Ambon yesterday.

"The task of the regional head is to reduce poverty and improve the welfare of the community and preserve natural resources. For that, I ask for the hard work of the acting Mayor of Ambon to improve health, education, social and development services, which are basic", said Barnabas Orno in his remarks at the special Plenary Meeting of the Ambon Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, May 25.

He hopes that the acting Mayor of Ambon will pay attention to the water problem in several areas, which until now many residents are still having water problems.

“To this day, water is still scarce in this area. The water installed in the taps is all jammed. The city of Ambon is more than 400 years old, but what does it mean that the lights are on, but some people are still struggling with water until now", he said.

On the border of Central Maluku and Ambon City, continued the Deputy Governor, there is a lot of garbage scattered everywhere, even though Ambon is dubbed Ambon Manise, it is not clean.

“That's a basic service, don't just make a formal visit, Mr. Win. I used to be regent every two o'clock at night, I walked around the city when everyone was sleeping", he said.

According to him, as the acting Mayor of Ambon City, you must routinely travel around Ambon City, and meet people informally so that they don't hesitate to greet the mayor.

"You don't have to tell the officers, Mr. Win there will be complacent with the welcome, then forget that what the community really needs", said the Deputy Governor.

On that occasion, the Deputy Governor advised the acting Mayor of Ambon to consolidate internally with the ranks of the Ambon City government bureaucracy, to encourage them to be more effective, efficient, innovative, and perform.

"The dynamics in the Ambon City government system that occur in the field should not reduce the performance of ASN (State Civil Apparatus)", he said.

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