BANDARLAMPUNG - Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi reminded the three newly inaugurated regents not to exceed their authority while serving as interim regional heads.

"I remind you that there are limits to your authority as long as you serve as acting regents, in particular, you are not allowed to transfer civil servants (PNS)," said Arinal Djunaidi in Bandarlampung, reported by Antara, Sunday, May 22.​​ He emphasized that if you want to make a transfer of employees, you must first coordinate with the Governor so that it is submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri).

He also forbade Pj. the bupati to cancel the district policies he leads, especially regarding permits that have been issued by previous officials.

"Moreover, issuing permits that conflict with previous officials. Officials are also prohibited from making policies regarding regional expansion. I warn you whether it is sub-district, village, especially district because it is not the authority of the official I appointed," he said.

According to him, these prohibitions apply nationally and not only for Acting. in Lampung and if there are still violations, they will be re-evaluated.

"This applies nationally, not only regionally. If it has been conveyed, it turns out that on the way there are still violators, then we will evaluate it. I hope the Acting Officer I appoint can show that he can carry out his duties and functions," he said. Regent Mesuji Sulpakar said that he would carry out his duties and functions as an official as well as possible as directed by the Governor of Lampung.

"In addition to carrying out my duties as PJ, as we all know, one of Mesuji's problems is the Human Development Index (HDI) which is still low, so I will try to improve it, especially in the context that there are still many children who drop out of school. the same as long as I am the Acting Regent of Mesuji," he said.

Acting Pringsewu Regent Adi Erlansyah said that the mandate given by the Governor of Lampung would of course be carried out properly and to the maximum extent possible.

"Regarding the development of Pringsewu, we will sharpen it again and I hope that all regional apparatus organizations (OPD) in Pringsewu can work together to sharpen regional and provincial programs there," he said.

Acting The Regent of Tulangbawang Barat, Zaidirina, said that as directed by the Governor of Lampung, his party would continue to carry out government administration in this district as well as possible.

"I will continue the development planning and public services that are already underway and planned to be continued. Especially the Lampung Governor's follow-up program," he said.

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