BOGOR - The chairman of the DPP National Mandate Party (DPP PAN), Bima Arya Sugiarto said the political party has very high sympathy for the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil. PAN will explore communications for the 2024 presidential election (pilpres).

"And we agreed to continue to build communication, friendship with Kang Emil to explore Kang Emil to be one of the candidates to be carried by PAN later," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, May 19.

Bima Arya said that Kang Emil was very ready to compete for tickets to become a presidential candidate in the 2024 election.

The figure of the governor of West Java, he said, has high electability from various surveys and has high flying hours in government and accessibility to the Muslim community.

"So in my opinion, Kang Emil is very competent and qualified, and we also agreed to build communication," he said.

According to the Mayor of Bogor, PAN's glance at Ridwan Kamil will be a candidate proposed in a three-unit coalition between PAN, PPP and Golkar.

However, to clearly prove the promotion, he said that it would still be determined at the time of the announcement between the end of 2022 or mid-2023.

Each party in the coalition of three united must have its own prospective candidates to be communicated.

The three united coalition that was conveyed was formed to oversee the programs of President Jokowi's government until 2024 through the jargon of the idea exchange, said Bima, which would also focus on the leadership market.

According to Bima Arya, along with the coalition's journey, it will hold a national leadership selection to determine the candidate it will carry. "The three coalition, yes. Yes, the three coalition is Kang Emil entering the stock exchange. (the declaration) has not, not yet, still next year. (Other figures) Yes. There will definitely be. Besides Kang Emil, there will also be Golkar figures, PPP, maybe from PAN itself or other figures," he said.

Bima Arya confirmed that the names of the candidates would be released before registration with the KPU in mid-2023.

"But I think it can be faster than next year, maybe the end of this year can come out at the latest," said Bima Arya.

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