MEDAN - The pair of candidates for mayor-vice mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman, is determined to make Medan a city of blessings. A combination of people, scholars and umara supports this idea.

"Bobby-Aulia for the people. Bismillah, the manifestation of the blessings of Medan City, we started through priority programs that reflect concern for the people. Bang Aulia and I will make this a success by promoting the spirit of collaboration or a fusion between the ummah, ulama and umara (government leaders), "said Bobby, Wednesday, October 14.

Judging from his Instagram account, bobbynst , Bobby Nasution, who is also the son-in-law of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), uploaded a video about the current condition of the mosque, which should have a strategic role for the advancement of Muslim civilization.

In the video uploaded by Bobby Nasution, the function of the mosque is not only as a place of worship. But also as a center of education and social and economic functions.

Bobby-Aulia, the pair number 2 in the Medan Pilkada, revealed the lack of concern about economic management in houses of worship, especially mosques. In fact, according to Bobby, a mosque should be an economic driver.

Because it was initiated a program to make the mosque the center of the welfare of the people. Bobby is determined to build a cooperative or business as a way out for the community to reduce social inequality. This effort is also aimed at building the economy by relying on the empowerment of the public economy.

"The government works hand in hand with the construction of mosques, provides scholarships for generations of Muslims who want to become ustaz and ustazah and make the elementary school graduate program able to read the Koran. Mosques must be the driving force for the rise of the public economy, "the narrative of the Bobby-Aulia program in the Medan Pilkada.

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