SURABAYA - The fatal bus accident on the Surabaya-Mojokerto toll road is thought to be due to the driver being sleepy. Due to this negligence, bus driver PO Ardiansyah is threatened with being a suspect.

"We make sure that the person concerned (the driver) admits temporarily because he is sleepy. Therefore, the driver has the potential to be a suspect for causing an accident and causing his death," said East Java Police Chief Inspector General Nico Afinta after a press conference on the disclosure of illegal fertilizer at the East Java Police Headquarters in Surabaya, Monday, May 16.

Inspector General Nico said that his party had conducted a crime scene (TKP) and collected data on victims. Based on provisional information, the bus driver allegedly fell asleep and then hit a billboard pole, causing many injuries and deaths.

"Earlier there were 25 passengers and 14 people died. We are sorry and we are currently conducting an examination of the bus driver. Of course we are still investigating the accident," he said.

Nico also regretted the accident and asked the victim's family to come, to speed up the identification process. "For passengers who are being treated, we will make sure they will be treated properly from the hospital," he said.

Nico emphasized that his party will monitor all drivers so that they comply with traffic rules. "And if the driver is tired or tired, to communicate with his manager, so that the driver or drivers who are not ready, do not take the bus, for other drivers to prepare," he said.

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