MAGELANG - Thousands of Buddhists take part in a procession from Mendut Temple to Borobudur Temple in Magelang Regency, Central Java Province, on Vesak Day, Monday 16 May.
The General Chairperson of the Indonesian Buddhist Representative (Walubi) S. Hartati Murdaya and the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo released the procession participants to accompany the dharma fire and the blessed water of the Tri Suci Vesak 2566 Buddhist Era.
The dharma fire and Vesak blessing water were previously buried in Mendut Temple. The dharma fire was taken from Mrapen in Grobogan Regency and the blessed water was taken from Umbul Jumprit in Temanggung Regency.
The governor greeted the parade participants who came from various regions in Indonesia and watched the residents watch the procession on either side of the road.
"Hopefully this is part of the spirit to be able to return after two years of slumping and not going anywhere because of the COVID-19 pandemic," he said, quoted by Antara.
"We hope that at this Vesak celebration everyone will be happy," he added.
The Coordinator of the 2566 BE Vesak Celebration at Borobudur, Head II of Central Java Walubi Tanto Soegito Harsono, was grateful that the Vesak celebration could be held again at Borobudur this year.
"Twice we have missed doing Vesak at Borobudur, this is the first time. We are very grateful that the pandemic has passed quickly so that Buddhists can happily celebrate Vesak, which is an important day for Buddhists, at Borobudur although it is still on a limited scale," he said.
Tanto said that the moments of the Vesak celebration will be held in the courtyard of the Borobudur Temple at 11.13.46 western Indonesia time. The Vesak celebration will be closed with the release of lanterns tonight.
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