JAKARTA - The natural disaster of the landslide that occurred in early 2022 is still being felt by residents of Alorawe Village, Nagekeo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The Nagekeo Regency Government responded by distributing basic food assistance to 10 affected families (KK).

"We provided food aid. The delivery of aid was delayed due to heavy rain and some bridges were eroded so that four wheels could not pass," said Head of the Nagekeo Social Service Rufus Raga in West Manggarai Regency, quoted by Antara, Thursday 12 May.

The assistance provided by the Nagekeo Social Service included rice, cooking oil, granulated sugar, and eggs. Assistance in the form of rice is given according to the provisions of the Ministry of Social Affairs, which is per kg per person for 14 days. The Nagekeo Social Service also provides 5.6 kg per person and is adjusted to the number of people in the family card.

The disaster occurred in January which caused landslides due to heavy rains that flushed the area. The impact was that 54 goats died under the soil out of a total of 80 goats owned by residents.

However, he said, the aid could only be delivered across the Lowopau-Aesesa river on Wednesday, because the road conditions did not allow it. The bridge connecting the village is also being repaired, so the delivery of aid has been delayed several times.

He explained that the assistance was given after a report from the acting village head related to conditions in the field. After the officers identify, the next process is the preparation of food aid.

He hoped that the assistance provided could be useful to meet the temporary needs of the affected families.

He was grateful because there was a joint solidarity movement that was carried out by fellow residents when a disaster occurred there. The community through the village has also carried out joint movements to help alleviate the needs of the affected families, both for food and other needs.

In addition to providing this assistance, he asked the community to be prepared for future disaster situations.

In addition, he also invites the community to preserve nature so that there are no more natural disasters such as landslides that will harm residents. Villages are also asked to carry out good technical planning, such as felling trees that have the potential to collapse when there is a rainstorm.

"Some of the incidents were houses crushed by trees," he said.

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