JAKARTA - The government has relaxed restrictions on activities in face-to-face learning (PTM) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, schools are allowed to reopen canteens and hold extracurricular activities.

This follows the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health, and Minister of Home Affairs issuing Joint Decree (SKB Four Ministers) Number 01/KB/2022, Number 408 of 2022, Number HK.01.08/MENKES/ 1140/2022, Number 420-1026 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Learning in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In the Decree of the Four Ministers, it is explained that extracurricular activities and sports can be carried out again provided the activities are carried out outdoors or in open spaces.

In addition, the canteen is reopened with a maximum visitor capacity of 75 percent for PPKM Level 1, 2 and 3 and 50 percent for education units at PPKM level 4. Canteen management is carried out in accordance with the criteria for a healthy canteen and continues to apply strict health protocols.

"Because not all children can bring lunch from home, we have given permission so that the school canteen can resume operations with the implementation of health protocols," explained Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture Suharti in his statement, quoted on Thursday, May 12.

Then, food vendors outside the school fence are also allowed to trade by implementing strict health protocols.

"For food traders outside the fence, they must coordinate with the local COVID-19 Handling Task Force and are allowed to trade. Make sure our children eat nutritious and well-cooked food," said Suharti.

Furthermore, the Decree of the Four Ministers also changed the provisions on the capacity of PTMs. Schools or educational units that are at PPKM Level 1 and Level 2 with vaccination achievements of educators and education personnel (PTK) above 80 percent and seniors above 60 percent are required to hold 100 percent PTM every day with learning hours according to the curriculum.

Then, for those who achieve PTK vaccination below 80 percent and the elderly under 60 percent are also required to hold 100 percent PTM every day with a learning duration of at least 6 hours of learning.

Then, for educational units located in the PPKM area level 3 with PTK vaccination achievements above 80 percent and the elderly above 60 percent, they are required to hold 100 percent PTM every day with learning hours according to the curriculum. Education units with PTK vaccination achievements below 80 percent and the elderly under 60 percent, are required to hold 50 percent PTM every day in turn with mixed learning modes for a maximum of 6 learning hours.

Meanwhile, for education units in the PPKM level 4 area, with PTK vaccinations above 80 percent and the elderly more than 60 percent, they are required to hold 50 percent PTM every day in turn with mixed learning modes for a maximum of 6 learning hours.

Meanwhile, education units in PPKM Level 4 areas whose PTK vaccinations are below 80 percent and elderly vaccinations are below 60 percent are still required to carry out PJJ.

Suharti said that the adjustment of the rules had gone through cross-sectoral discussions taking into account the results of the assessment of the current Covid-19 pandemic situation by involving education experts and epidemiologists.

"The latest four ministerial decrees are a reference for regional governments in implementing PTM. Regional governments are not allowed to add other regulations or requirements," said Suharti.

However, parents/guardians of students can still choose so that their children can take part in face-to-face learning or distance learning until the 2021/2022 school year ends.

"Parents/guardians who still choose distance learning need to attach a health certificate from their child from the doctor," he added.

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