MATARAM - The Narcotics Investigation Unit Team of the Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), arrested 11 people in two different locations in Mandalika Village. They were arrested on suspicion of being drug abusers of methamphetamine.

The Head of the Narcotics Unit of the Mataram Police, Commissioner I Made Yogi Purusa Utama, said that from the arrest of the suspects the police confiscated at least 21 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

"So, we have secured the evidence and all the suspects at the (Mataram Police) office. Investigations are still ongoing and development continues", said Yogi in Mataram, Tuesday 10 May.

He said that the disclosure of the case at the first location occurred on Monday 9 May afternoon, in the Gerung Apit Aiq neighborhood, Mandalika Village, Sandubaya District, Mataram City.

From that neighborhood, the police arrested eight people who were drinking crystal meth in a house. Those arrested had the initials LW (46), S (45), AJ (26), M (58), MD (53), F (40), AHA (19), and MJ (23).

"From this first location, we confiscated evidence of shabu with a total of 21 grams", he said.

Evidence of 21 grams of crystal methamphetamine was confiscated from the searches of LW, S, and MD. Also secured were tools for consuming methamphetamine, clear plastic clips for packaging the methamphetamine, cash from transactions, and mobile phones.

Based on the results of the raid at the first location, Yogi and his members carried out developments. The second target is in the Lendang Lekong neighborhood, which is still in the same village as the first location.

The second development resulted in three people suspected of having a connection with the arrests at the first location. This second place is suspected to be the origin of illicit goods. Three people arrested at the second location had the initials H (44), DA (24), and POV (31).

They are now languishing in the Mataram Police Detention. The examination was carried out by referring to the rules of Article 112, Article 114, and Article 127 paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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