BANTEN - Homecomers who go to Sumatra Island via Merak Port appreciate the traffic regulation by the police which keeps them from getting stuck at toll gates.

"We were directed out of the West Cilegon Toll Gate. There were not too many queues there. I think that's good," said Slamet, a traveler from Cikarang, to Antara at Merak Harbor, Cilegon, Banten, Friday, April 29.

According to Slamet, the deployment of many police personnel along the road to Merak Harbor is also very helpful for the smooth flow of vehicles.

And regarding the density of vehicles before entering the ferry boat, Slamet considered it was still at a reasonable level because this moment was the first homecoming during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I've even felt much worse than this, before the pandemic. At that time, we waited from morning to evening to get the ship," he said.

Meanwhile, the homecomers from Depok, Andi, assessed that the diversion of traffic at the toll gate by the police was sufficient to prevent them from long traffic jams.

"Yes, rather than piling up in front. From West Serang it tends to be faster. We as a family enjoy going home this time. Like free people after two years of not being able to return to their hometown," he said.

The police, in this case the Banten Police, have implemented various scenarios on the Tangerang-Merak toll road in order to reduce the density of vehicles at the Merak Port.

The Banten Regional Police imposed a "red" scenario starting Friday (29/4) or D-3 Lebaran, which is considered the beginning of the peak of going home, namely opening and closing in several areas and diversion of vehicles either going to the Merak Toll Gate to the West Cilegon Toll Gate or to the West Cilegon Toll Gate. East Cilegon Toll Gate and East Serang Toll Gate or West Serang Toll Gate.

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