JAKARTA - Police have arrested demonstrators in various cities who are suspected of being involved in riots when demonstrations against the Job Creation Act. Of the thousands of demonstrators, 145 people were declared reactive to COVID-19.

"From all that we have secured we are implementing health protocols, we find 145 reactive," said Head of Public Relations of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono to reporters, Friday, October 9.

Of the hundreds of people, 27 of them were secured in the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya. So, they were immediately isolated at the Athlete's House.

Meanwhile, other Polda jurisdictions, said Argo, have coordinated with the Task Force to provide medical care.

"From the COVID-19 task force that cares for other Polda, we also refer them to be given treatment," he said.

On the other hand, regarding the masses who are still underage, his party will send summons to each of their parents. But before being returned, they will be coached first.

"Students and children will be summoned by their parents so they can know what their sons are doing so that supervision is not only at school, but also at home," said Argo.

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