JAMBI - A total of 27 Public Fuel Filling Stations (SPBU) in the Jambi Province which are on the homecoming route are operated 24 hours during the homecoming season and backflow during the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

"We have coordinated with Pertamina Retail Jambi to anticipate fuel needs during Eid, there are gas stations that operate for 24 hours," said Jambi Governor Al Haris in Jambi, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, April 27.

The gas stations that operate for 24 hours are gas stations that are on the homecoming route, especially those on the national highway.

Among them are two gas stations in Jambi City, four gas stations in Muaro Jambi Regency and two gas stations in West Tanjung Jabung Regency. Then four gas stations in Batanghari Regency, two gas stations in Tebo Regency and eight gas stations in Bungo Regency.

Furthermore, there are two gas stations each in Sarolangun and Merangin regencies, and one gas station in Sungai Penuh City.

"By being open for 24 hours, it means that Pertamina guarantees that fuel for travelers is available," said Al Haris.

Meanwhile, if there is a fraud committed by the gas station, a sanction will be given to the gas station manager. Where the Jambi Provincial Government has instructed regencies and cities in Jambi Province to carry out supervision and impose sanctions on gas stations that violate.

Head of the Economic Bureau of the Jambi Province Secretariat Johansyah said the gas station was operational from April 19 to May 10, 2022.

"The gas station is now operational, we hope this can help travelers meet their fuel requirements on their homecoming trips," said Johansyah.

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