JAKARTA - Subholding Gas PT Pertamina (Persero), through its subsidiary, PT Gagas Energi Indonesia, distributes Gaslink gas in Rest Area Km 72A Purbaleunyi Toll Road, Karawang, West Java, as an effort to support the smooth flow of Lebaran 2022 homecoming as well as the growth of MSMEs in the area. .

PGN Director of Sales and Operations Faris Azis said that the plan is to use Gaslink as the main fuel for food courts and kitchens. Gagas signed a Gaslink gas sale and purchase agreement (PJBG) with PT Krida Bangun Persada, as the manager of the Km 72A Rest Area at PGN Head Office Jakarta.

After the signing, the distribution of the first gas (gas-in) will be continued on this Wednesday, so that during the peak of going home, travelers will be able to feel the benefits of energy, both natural gas.

Faris said the distribution of gas will increase market coverage and show that the utilization of infrastructure outside the gas pipeline (beyond pipeline) is expanding.

The Km 72A Toll Rest Area has a concept as an incubator for MSMEs to advance to class, so that it becomes an opportunity for the Subholding Gas Group to support retail, MSMEs, and several projects in the future.

"The use of natural gas also supports this area to become a green energy rest area, which is in line with Pertamina's energy transition commitment, and supports the growth of MSMEs-MSMEs. So, this collaboration is not solely for B2B interests, but other parties are also growing," he said. Faris was reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 27.

For the initial stage, the estimated gas distribution is 250-4,500 m3 per month. Furthermore, as demand increases, the distribution reaches 10,000 m3 per month.

The distribution uses Gaslink CNG with a capacity of 24 m³ per tube. In the future, if usage increases, they will be replaced by regular Gaslinks, namely Gaslink trucks (gas transport module/GTM) and pressure reducing system (PRS). The gas source is from SPBG Purwakarta belonging to Gagas, which is 20 km from the location.

"This Km 72A rest area is the first rest area to use natural gas. In the future, we hope that other rest areas will follow. Apart from being environmentally friendly, the use of Gaslink has also been proven to increase user efficiency," added Gagas President Director Muhammad Hardiansyah. added that Gagas also alerted the SPBG as usual.

"We continue to operate and serve Gasku and Gaslink customers as usual. Gasku customers can fill it up at the nearest SPBG or MRU. For Gaslink, we will send gas to the customer's location," he explained.

Meanwhile, Krida Representative, Budi Haryono, said that the use of Gaslink is a form of responsibility to provide cleaner, more reliable, and efficient fuel for tenants.

"We hope that this collaboration will become a role model and bring promising results for all tenants. The presence of natural gas is our contribution, which is not only big entrepreneurs, but also MSMEs, because it provides economic benefits," he said.

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