TANGERANG - The Coordinator of Inclusive Education Organizing Schools (SPPI) at SDN Karawaci 5 Tangerang, Sri Palupi Handayani said that her party plans to hold a screening test at her school, SDN Karawaci 5 Tangerang City on 12 May.

This series of activities is a continuation of the Inclusive Education seminar that was held with Dyslexia Genius Malaysia (DGM) last week. Starting from a friendly visit conducted by Dyslexia Genius Malaysia (DGM) with SDN Karawaci 5 Tangerang City as an expression of gratitude because the school has participated in the implementation of the Competition.

"ASEAN Art Competition" which was held by DGM virtually in the middle of last month. So, it continues with the plan of Dyslexia Genius Malaysia which wants to facilitate SDN Karawaci 5 to conduct a screening test in an early detection effort to find out which students are indicated to be dyslexic.

"God willing, after Lebaran there will be a Screening Test at SDN Karawaci 5 (Tangerang City) by Dyslexia Genius Malaysia. It is hoped that this screening test will be useful for educators at our school to find out the percentage of students who are indicated to be dyslexic, so that they have the right response for all of these students. So that this activity can be used as a pilot project for other schools that have inclusive classes in Tangerang City," Sri said when contacted, Monday, April 25.

"This is the initial stage / initial test. Later, if the results indicate dyslexia, then a further assessment will be carried out," continued Sri.

On that occasion, Sri also explained that Dyslexia is a disorder in which a person has difficulty reading, writing, and spelling. Dyslexia generally occurs in children, and can affect children with intelligence abilities more than average.

Students who suffer from dyslexia are physically the same as normal students in general. They usually have a learning disorder characterized by difficulty reading, writing, or spelling.

However, because they usually have more than average intelligence abilities, this is what if handled properly can be a potential human resource asset.

When a student is detected with dyslexia, it is hoped that the student can be given appropriate and appropriate treatment.

“Usually we think students who are not smart (stupid) because they can't read, can't write. Usually it starts to appear in grades between 1-3 because they may actually have dyslexia, and an appropriate treatment should be carried out. Maybe because all this time we did not know about the dyslexia experienced by the student, so that our treatment was not precise and accurate. The hope is that with this initial test, dyslexic children can be helped quickly, it could be that these students actually have extraordinary potential because their IQ is above average, "explained Sri.

In the implementation process, Sri said that his party was collaborating with Dyslexia Genius Malaysia, especially the Malaysian Dyslexia Expert, Encik Jaldeen Ali by introducing the SPTBiD program which has been implemented for more than 23 years in Malaysia.

"As for how the method or learning model for the program is, I don't know yet, I'm only helping to register students for the dyslexia screening test," he said.

Meanwhile, according to the Director of the Dyslexia Genius Malaysia Program, Puan Bulan Ayu, the purpose of her visit to Indonesia, especially Tangerang City, is to introduce the SPTBiD program, which is a teaching program for students with dyslexia, which has been successfully implemented in public schools in Malaysia.

"Our visit here is to introduce the SPTBiD learning program for dyslexic students. In particular, so that it is used in inclusive classes. So, children with dyslexia can study in regular schools," he said.

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