JAKARTA - The National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) has seized several assets of the suspects in the fraudulent investment case of the Indosurya Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP). The provisional amount reached Rp. 2 trillion.

"Until now, the total assets confiscated in the Indosurya case by investigators have reached a value of Rp. 2 trillion," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan, in his statement, Monday, April 25.

The latest assets seized were shop houses in South Tangerang and the Graha Oil building in the Jakarta Strait area. The two assets belong to the suspect Henry Surya, which if converted is worth Rp107 billion.

Investigators will also confiscate 2 floors of the Sudirman Suites Apartment worth Rp160 billion. Confiscation is carried out after obtaining permission from the court.

"Bareskrim is submitting a confiscation determination on the two floors of the luxury apartment. The confiscation decision is submitted to the Central Jakarta District Court," said Whisnu.

Separately, a criminal law expert from the University of Brawijaya (Unbraw), Aan Eko Widiarto, assessed that the steps taken by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police to confiscate a number of assets were appropriate. Because the assets are used to prove the actions of the suspects.

"I think the police's action was appropriate. The urgency of the confiscation is for the sake of evidence by investigators," said Aan

The confiscation was also aimed at preventing the suspects in the Indosurya case from disguising the assets. So, later all the losses of the victims can be returned.

"I think so, law enforcement quickly resolves so that evidence can be immediately returned to those who are entitled or customers," said Aan.

For information, investigators previously also confiscated a building that was used as the office of the Indosurya Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) worth IDR 1.2 trillion. This confiscation is related to the eradication of money laundering (TPPU) related to the alleged investment fraud case.

In this case, the Criminal Investigation Department has named three suspects. They are Suwito Ayub, Henry Surya, and June Indria.

However, only Henry Surya and June Indria have been arrested. Meanwhile, Suwito Ayub is still being hunted for his whereabouts.

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