JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR, Achmad Baidowi, regretted the commotion regarding the draft of the Job Creation Law in the community. This is because the draft in circulation is not a final arrangement.

"The draft that is currently being spread among the public is not a final draft. Moreover, there are different versions," said Baidowi when confirmed, Thursday, October 8.

Baidowi said that the final draft was also not obliged to be distributed to all members of the DPR during the ratification of the Job Creation Law on October 5. This responded to the admission of other DPR members who did not accept the draft during the plenary meeting for approval.

"It doesn't have to be distributed according to the DPR's rules and regulations. What must be distributed according to the rules is the speech of the DPR leadership for the opening and closing of the session period, as well as materials for working meetings with the government and experts," said the man who is called Awiek.

Regarding the final draft, this member of the PPP DPR faction did not provide an explanation. "Check with the leadership," he said.

Previously, a member of the DPR from the Democrat Party, Didi Irawadi Syamsuddin, revealed a number of irregularities that had occurred during the Plenary Session of the Ratification of the Job Creation Bill. Among them, not a single draft of the bill was distributed during the trial until the sudden trial.

"I have been a member of the DPR RI for three periods. This is the first time I have an unexpected experience. The leadership of the DPR has passed a bill which is deviant and flawed in procedure. Not a single draft of the draft law related to Ciptaker was distributed during the plenary session on October 5, 2020," he said. Didi.

According to him, before passing the bill or before tapping the hammer, all DPR members should have been able to read the draft of the Job Creation Bill. Moreover, the session was the highest forum for the DPR.

"So the question is, what bill was hammered in yesterday, October 5, 2020?" he said.

According to him, it is obligatory for all those present to be given the draft of the bill. Not only those who are physically present, those who are virtual are also entitled to get the script.

"As a comparison, let alone the very important Ciptaker Bill. The materials for the committee and agency level meetings we can get a few days beforehand," said Didi.

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