SURAKARTA - The Surakarta City Police have destroyed evidence of as many as a thousand liters of alcohol from various brands resulting from the Penyakit Masyarakat operation. The destruction took place at the Surakarta Police Headquarters, Central Java, Friday 22 April.

The head of the Surakarta Police, Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak, said that today's destruction of evidence from the operation for public disease, namely alcohol. The results of the confiscation of the activities of the Surakarta Police in the past month.

"Evidence that was successfully confiscated by officers in this enhanced police activity was 1,205 liters of Ciu (liquor) and 1,118 bottles of alcoholic beverages containing more than 5 percent of various brands", said the Head of Surakarta Police, Central Java, quoted by Antara, Friday 22 April.

The alcoholic liquor was destroyed by crushing the stoom walls as a joint form for the Forkomimda Surakarta to turn Solo into a dense free city.

To maintain and maintain a conducive Kamtibmas in Solo City. The results of the achievement of improved police activities are also the participation and contribution of information from the community so far.

People who inform the Police related to the practice of community diseases in the Surakarta area. In addition to religious and community leaders, I also thank the TNI for synergizing with the National Police to carry out police action steps in maintaining the Surakarta City Kamtibmas in a conducive condition so far.

The extermination ceremony was led by the Head of the Surakarta Police, Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak, and witnessed by the Deputy Mayor of Surakarta, Teguh Prakosa, along with officials from the Surakarta City Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkompimda) as well as several religious and community leaders.

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