JAKARTA - Universitas Indonesia (UI) BEM is on its way to the location of the demonstration in the National Monument area this afternoon. Some students are still waiting for other colleagues in the IRTI area, Monas.

The Coordinator of the Social and Political Department of BEM UI, Melki Sedek Huang, claimed that his party brought a crowd of up to 2,500 people with additional groups of students from other universities.

"We brought around 2,500 people. Some have gathered and are currently waiting for the rest of them," said Melki when contacted, Thursday, April 21.

Currently, the Monas area is still covered in drizzle since a few hours ago. However, Melki emphasized that the weather conditions did not dampen the enthusiasm of BEM UI to hold an action.

"Even though it was raining we didn't slack off," he said.

For information, the University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM UI) and the Indonesian Student Alliance (AMI) plan to hold a demonstration today.

Polda Metro Jaya will implement a traffic scheme during student demonstrations in the State Palace and DPR/MPR areas. Under the scheme, several roads were closed.

A total of 9,915 joint TNI-Polri officers were deployed to guard student and labor demonstrations in the National Palace or Monas area and the Indonesian House of Representatives today.

The plan is that BEM UI will voice seven demands in today's action, including:

1. Strict action against constitutional criminals and reject the discourse of extending the term of office of the president.2. Lower the price of basic needs and overcome economic inequality.3. Take firm action against all repressive actions against civil society with a strict and non-discriminatory mechanism.4. Realize scientific, free, and democratic education.5. Pass the pro-people bill, reject the pro-oligarchy bill.6. Realize true agrarian reform.7. Complete all human rights violations.

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