JAKARTA - Member of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force expert team, Dewi Nur Aisyah, said the addition of isolation locations for COVID-19 patients in hotels and self-isolation flats of Wisma Atlet Kemayoran has actually reduced the death rate in Jakarta.

In the weekly data analysis, in the last 3 weeks, namely at the beginning of the PSBB volume II, the mortality rate in DKI was quite high, namely 117 deaths in the second week of September, 150 deaths in the third week, and 145 deaths in the fourth week.

Meanwhile, the weekly death rate for COVID-19 cases in the last week in DKI fell to 69 deaths.

"This past week, the death rate decreased from the previous week, at 52.4 percent," said Dewi in a discussion at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Wednesday, October 7.

During the PSBB volume two period that took place since mid-September, DKI has a policy to accommodate isolation COVID-19 patients in hotels and Wisma Athletes.

Dewi said that relocating the location of the isolation establishment from their respective homes to hotels or Athletes' Houses was proven to reduce the mortality rate from positive cases, which on average had severe symptoms.

"It means, the form of intervention that is being tried to be carried out by strengthening starting from the Athlete House, hotels are starting to be established, this is running and the effect is seen in reducing cases and existing facilities in the hospital," said Dewi.

Dewi continued, the decline in the death rate this week was in line with the decrease in the number of positive cases by 0.8 percent. The previous week, the accumulation of cases a week was 8,477 cases, and this week there were 8,409 cases.

However, said Dewi, the increase in death cases in DKI must continue to be suppressed. "We have to push again so that the decline is even higher. The increase in cases in DKI Jakarta is very high, but in the last few years it has started to decline a little. So don't just drop in the last one week," said Dewi.

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