JAKARTA - Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati reminded the government to immediately take comprehensive and measurable mitigation steps, in order to suppress the rate of climate change.

In a written statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, Dwikorita said that if the current situation continues, the temperature increase in all main islands in Indonesia could reach 4 degrees Celsius by 2100, four times compared to pre-industrial times.

As a result of this temperature increase, she added, the peak of Jaya Wijaya in Papua which in 2020 has an ice thickness of 31.49 meters, in 2025 it is estimated that the ice will disappear completely.

"Mitigation must be carried out immediately, it cannot be delayed because the current situation is very worrying. For example, the Seroja Cyclone that occurred in NTT last year, the cyclone should not have occurred in the area, but due to climate change the cyclone appeared," said Dwikorita during the Regional Atmospheric Dynamics of the North Province in commemoration of the 72nd World Meteorological Day (HMD) seminar, Tuesday 12 April.

Dwikorita said the increase in temperature would trigger extreme weather and climate anomalies that are becoming more frequent. The intensity is getting stronger with a long duration.

This condition, continued Dwikorita, will certainly result in losses for Indonesia. Not only material such as infrastructure, but also casualties.

"So don't be surprised if during the dry season it also rains and floods, or the dry season will feel hotter and drier. Even during the rainy season, it is much heavier, triggering a hydrometeorological disaster," she added, quoted by Antara.

Dwikorita revealed that hydrometeorological disasters in Indonesia were increasing, becoming the largest disaster with a percentage of 95 percent.

During 2021, disasters reached 5,402 cases which incidentally were the impact of global climate change.

Dwikorita emphasized that the government and all elements of society must work together and work together in carrying out mitigation actions. Starting from saving electricity, water, waste management, reducing fossil energy and replacing it with electric vehicles, reducing the use of single-use plastics, planting trees, restoring mangroves, and so on.

Meanwhile, the Governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rachmayadi said that disaster mitigation is a matter of concern together, namely the government, the business world and the community.

According to her, disasters are a threat to the survival and future welfare of the nation's children, so they must be managed together.

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