JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan will hold the grand launching of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) on April 19.

The grand launching was held to coincide with the final of the International Youth Championship (IYC) tournament which starts tomorrow.

"The final will be held on April 19 and as soon as the final is over, we will prepare for the JIS Grand Launching, because currently, it is only a soft launch," said Anies at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, April 12 evening.

During the IYC tournament which was the soft launching of JIS, Persija as a Jakarta football club did not participate in the competition.

However, Anies confirmed that he would invite Persija to the grand launching of JIS next week. Anies also mentioned that the Persija legend, namely Bambang Pamungkas or Bepe, was lined up to kick the ball first at the grand launching.

"At the grand launch, we will invite Persija as the team that will play first and we will make sure that Bepe will be the first kicker at the JIS Grand Launching later," said Anies.

IYC 2021 itself will be held from April 13 to 19, 2022 at the JIS Stadium. Previously, the friendly tournament was scheduled to take place in December 2021, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The IYC event is a continuation of the International Youth Cup event which in 2019 had been held in Bali. For this year, Barcelona U-18 and Atletico Madrid U-18 will enliven the IYC event with the local Bali United U-18 team and Indonesia All-Star U20.

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