MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution assessed that the construction of a sea wall on the Belawan coast this year is in line with the aspirations of the people in the northern part of Medan.
"We will try to deal with this tidal flood. Moreover, this is my campaign promise, so efforts must also be made to realize it," said Bobby Nasution, quoted by Antara, Monday, April 11.
To make it happen, continued Bobby Nasution, the Medan City Government has collaborated with the North Sumatra Provincial Government and the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).
Muhammad Asril, a youth leader and researcher at the North Medan Institute, said that the construction of the sea wall is a priority because it has been the desire of the community for a long time.
"Now the tide (rob, red) is just a little, the flooding is extraordinary. This is the impact of the coastal reclamation that was carried out recently. So, the plan to build a sea wall by the Guardian, we think, is right," he said.
For that, he continued, the community hopes that the construction of a sea wall on the Belawan coast will soon be realized, because the tidal wave has disrupted community activities in a number of sectors, especially the economy.
The North Medan Institute supports the acceleration of the construction of a sea wall to overcome the tidal waves that are being promoted by the Medan City Government.
"From our search, there has been a team from the Medan City Government taking measurements in the Paluh around the residents' houses," said Asril, who is also the Secretary of the North Sumatran KNPI Indonesian Youth National Committee Regional Representative Council (DPD).
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