JAKARTA - Two terrorism convicts (napiter) at the Palu Correctional Institution (Lapas), Central Sulawesi; Muhammad Firman and Abu Ahmad alias Genda pledged allegiance to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The prisoner who was a terrorist network group during Santoso's leadership took an oath of allegiance to the Republic of Indonesia by swearing obedience to Pancasila and kissing the Red and White Flag.

"I hope they can work together to provide enlightenment to the community so that they are not exposed to radical ideas," said Central Sulawesi Governor Rusdy Mastura after watching two convicts swearing allegiance to the Republic of Indonesia in Palu Prison, Monday, April 11, quoted from Antara.

"If there are difficulties, you can come to me and tell me if there are things that are needed," he added.

Meanwhile, Head of Palu Prison Gamal Bardi said the two convicts were transfer prisoners from the Cikeas Detention Center, Bogor, West Java in 2021.

While in Palu Prison, both of them received special guidance and coaching. Saying the pledge of allegiance to the Republic of Indonesia is a request from the two convicts. The two convicts are known to have been arrested in 2019.

“There are only two convicts here. This is the second request to return to the NKRI. We give them all the good guidance, and we see that there are indeed significant changes, we hope that later they can be accepted again in society, "said Gamal.

One of the convicts, Muhammad Firman, asked the government and related parties to pay attention to former convicts when they breathe free air later.

“We hope that if we are free, we can be given a job or a job that can benefit me and my family. We ask for supervision and guidance so that we remain safe," he explained.

Meanwhile, Abuh Ahmad alias Genda thanked the Palu Prison for providing guidance while in the detention cell.

According to him, the spiritual development and independence obtained in Palu Prison can be a provision when socializing in the community.

“Thank you for fostering and guiding us while we were here. We asked to be given jobs after we were released so that we could support our families,” he explained.

The activity of pledging allegiance to the Republic of Indonesia by convicts at the Palu Prison was witnessed by the Governor of Central Sulawesi, the TNI/Polri, BNPT, the Ministry of Religion of Central Sulawesi Province, the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), and the Central Sulawesi Forkopimda.

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