TERNATE - Pertamina will again distribute social assistance (bansos), especially for residents affected by the spill of fuel oil (BBM) around the waters of the Ternate Fuel Terminal jetty. This activity will be led by Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR Papua Maluku, North Maluku (Malut),

Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR Papua Maluku, Edi Mangun in Ternate, Saturday, April 9, said that currently, Pertamina has received data about 70 families from residents of the Fitu and Sasa villages to get social assistance.

For initial distribution assistance through one door, namely the local government through the Lurah with the local Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas.

Edi admitted, based on reports from a number of villages affected by the fuel spill, namely Jambula, Kastela, Sasa, Gambesi and Fitu. In fact, Pertamina is still waiting for other urban villages that have not entered data on residents affected by the fuel spill in Jambula and surrounding waters.

According to Edi, Pertamina will prioritize affected residents, especially fishermen groups in the Pertamina Ternate area.

"Pertamina will distribute various social assistances in the form of healthy food and urge people affected by the fuel spill to have their health checked at the Puskesmas, and Pertamina will help solve the problem," said Edi, to Antara.

He also said that at the meeting it was agreed that the settlement mechanism for the impact of pollution would be adjusted to the provisions of the applicable laws.

In addition, the DLH team for the City of Ternate and the Province of North Maluku took samples for two days. Pertamina fully facilitated the activities of the DLH team in taking samples related to the oil spill in the waters around Jambula.

Edi emphasized that Pertamina would not let go of this fuel spill, especially now that DLH has carried out laboratory tests outside Ternate, so Pertamina will wait for the results of DLH's recommendations for pollution resulting from the fuel spill.

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