JAKARTA - Heavy rains that hit Central Jakarta and its surroundings on Friday, April 8, afternoon, resulted in Percetakan Negara Street section, precisely in front of Satria High School, Cempaka Putih District, Central Jakarta, submerged by 25 centimeters of floodwater.
Although the rain did not last long, the area was actually flooded. The puddle occurred because the Bacang connecting channel (PHB) was filled with utility cables.

Head of the Maintenance Section of the Central Jakarta Water Resources Sub-dept. Achmad Daeroby said that the cause of the flooding of Percetakan Negara Street was because the waterways were filled with garbage.
"Yes, there is a lot of garbage (in the waterways). However, the duration (of the puddle) was only for a short time and it managed to recede," Daeroby said when confirmed by VOI, Friday, April 8, evening.

In addition, Daeroby said that the puddles that occurred on Percetakan Negara Street were also caused by other factors.
"The information (water flow) is also persistent in Kali Utan Kayu. The puddle can be controlled for 20 minutes and Percetakan Negara street section is back to normal," he briefly said.
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