JAKARTA - Yogyakarta was chosen to host the XIII National Ecclesiastical Choir Party (Pesparawi) from June 19 - 26, 2022.
"This Pesparawi must be successful. Communicate well to all parties, especially to the Yogyakarta Provincial Government as the host," said Minister of Religion Yaqut when receiving a group of committee members and the National Pesparawi Development Institute (LPPN), in Jakarta, Friday, April 8.
Acting Director General of Christian Guidance, Pontus Sitorus, said that preparations for the XIII Pesparawi event were still being carried out, mainly related to the technical implementation. This national event was originally set to be held in 2021. However, due to the pandemic, the event had to be postponed.
"Hopefully this year we can carry out well, and continue to apply health protocols," said Pontus Sitorus.
Pontus Sitorus who is also the General Chair of LPPN also explained that he had held several meetings with the Yogyakarta Provincial Government. This activity will be attended by 9.424 participants.
According to Pontus Sitorus, Pesparawi XIII in Yogyakarta is planned to be opened by President Joko Widodo. While the Minister of Religion is expected to give directions, it will be closed by Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin.
Appearing to be present were special staff and expert staff from the Minister of Religion, as well as officials from the Directorate General of Christian Guidance.
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