KUDUS - The Customs and Excise Service and Supervision Office (KPPBC) for the Intermediate Excise Type in Kudus, Central Java, continues to deploy personnel to monitor the circulation of illegal cigarettes during the fasting month of this year considering that the circulation of illegal cigarettes is still quite high.
"Every day, the Kudus KPPBC always prepares personnel in charge of supervising the circulation of cigarettes in our jurisdiction for 24 hours," said Head of the Extension and Information Services Section of the Middle-Type KPPBC Kudus Dwi Prasetyo Rini in Kudus, Thursday, April 7.
The result, he said, was that in the first week of Ramadan 1443 Hijriah succeeded in uncovering the circulation of illegal cigarettes by securing 118,200 illegal cigarettes transported by minibuses on Jalan Jepara-Bangsri in Sinangggul Village, Mlonggo District, Jepara Regency.
The disclosure began with information from the public regarding the illegal cigarette shipments from Jepara.
Quoted by Antara, the Kudus Customs and Excise team then dispatched officers and found a vehicle carrying illegal cigarettes. Upon inspection, it was found that 118.200 machine-made kretek cigarettes (SKM) were packaged in 5.910 packs that were not attached with excise stamps.
From that much evidence, the estimated value is IDR 134.75 million, while the potential state revenue that has been saved is IDR 90.27 million.
Such potential state revenue, said Dwi, is calculated based on the cheapest kretek cigarette excise rate of IDR 600/stem plus a value-added tax (VAT) of 9.1 percent multiplied by the retail selling price (HJE) of around IDR 1.020.00 and added cigarette tax of IDR 10 percent of the tax value.
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