MAGELANG - Magelang Police, Central Java, detained three people in connection with the alleged seller of explosives in the form of powder or firecracker drugs weighing 8 kilograms.

"The three people we have detained have the initials SD (18), then IN (18) and MN (18). MN is still a student," said Magelang Police Chief AKBP Mochammad Sajarod Zakun, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 6.

The Magelang Police Chief explained that the disclosure of the case began with public information about the sale of firecrackers or firecrackers in Mungkid District.

AKBP Mochammad Sajarod Zakun said that the Magelang Police Satresmob Resmob Team on Monday (4/4) at around 21.30 WIB secured the SD suspect along with 4 kilograms of finished firecrackers as evidence.

Based on the information from the suspect SD, he said, the person concerned bought firecracker powder via Facebook from IN on Sunday (3/4) and Monday (4/4) at a price of Rp. 23 thousand per ounce.

"Based on this information, the officers immediately carried out developments, then secured the suspect IN and suspect MN. From these two suspects, 4 kilograms of ready-made firecracker powder was found as well as ingredients for making firecracker drugs," he said.

It was also said that the three sellers of the firecracker powder were still being held at the Magelang Police Headquarters for further investigation and development.

Several pieces of evidence were seized, including 4 kg of finished firecrackers, 2 cell phones belonging to the suspect, 2 kg of bromine, 5 kg of potassium, 3 ounces of sulfur, and 3 trays for mixing Mercon drugs.

"They are charged with Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951, namely, anyone who manufactures, stores and sells explosives is subject to a maximum prison sentence of 20 years," said the Police Chief.

In order to create public order, especially during the fasting month, the Police Chief appealed to the public not to make firecrackers without permission in accordance with applicable regulations or play firecrackers, considering that this is against the law and is very dangerous because it can cause injuries, material casualties, and even fatalities.

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