BEKASI - The Bekasi Metro Police Satlantas Law Enforcement Unit provides 300 doses of booster vaccine per day at the precision vaccination booth at Kalimalang Channel Inspection Street, Wangun Harja Village, North Cikarang District, Bekasi Regency.
Head of Traffic Directorate Safety (Kamsel) of Bekasi Police Traffic Unit (Satlantas) Adjunct Commissioner of Police Aliyani in Cikarangm Wednesday said the vaccination booth was open every day from 10.00 a.m. to 14.00 p.m. with a quota of 300 participants.
"The vaccination at the Laka-Laka Gakkum Office is open for the next 10 days, closing on Friday, April 15," he said in Cikarang, Wednesday, April 6.
Aliyani said the antibody booster dose vaccination at this outlet used the AstraZeneca vaccine. Residents who want to register for vaccination at this outlet simply come with a photocopy of their ID card.
"The conditions are to bring a photocopy of your ID card and show the booster vaccination ticket in the PeduliLindung application," she said.
In addition to providing the third dose of vaccination, his party also facilitates the vaccination of children aged six to 17 years, both doses one and two using the Sinovac vaccine brand.
"So we urge people who have not or are having trouble finding a booster vaccine, please come here. We provide this service for free," she said, quoted by Antara.
One of the vaccination participants, Giman (30) admitted that he wanted to take the third dose of vaccination after the government set a booster vaccination as a requirement for going back and forth.
"In addition to being recommended by the government, I will also want to go home to Lampung by bus," said Giman.
This resident of Jatiwaringin, Bekasi City was also asked by his workplace to immediately follow the booster vaccination. "Incidentally, the office also requires employees. So I came here. Fast service, no long queues. Thank you to the police for facilitating this vaccination," he said.
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