SAMARINDA - A team from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) helped make the BPJS Health card ready for Rusmin (Mbah Min), 63 years old, after previously returning from the hospital because he had no fees and did not have BPJS Health.

"After facilitating the making of ID cards, we will continue to facilitate the making of BPJS Health so that it is now complete," Feri Afrianto, Head of Reintegration of the Elderly Directorate of the Ministry of Social Affairs, in Samarinda, Antara, Monday, April 4.

The ferry directly handed over an ID card, BPJS Health, and a savings book to Mbah Min. Mbah Min, Rusmin's nickname, who lives alone, was hit by a motorbike rider in front of Pondok Surya Housing, Jalan PM Noor Samarinda, Saturday, March 26, 2022 night.

After being escorted by quick reaction volunteers to Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital and being treated there, Mbah Min, who was staying at the Rajeg Wesi Workshop on Jl PM Noor, then went home because he did not have medical expenses and did not have a BPJS Health card.

The news of the absence of BPJS Kesehatan and Mbah Min's inability to pay for medical treatment reached the Ministry of Social Affairs, so the Minister of Social Affairs sent three of his officials to resolve the issue.

The three people who were sent were Feri Afrianto and two people from the Soeharso Center Surakarta, namely Danang and Gunawan. They arrived in Samarinda on Saturday, April 2 and immediately visited Mbah Min's hut in the welding workshop area.

That afternoon, Gunawan, from the Soeharso Center in Surakarta, immediately started therapy for Mbah Min, so that Mbah Min could then sit and stand, even though since he had an accident a few days ago, he had only been lying down.

Feri Afrianto said that after coordinating with the Social Service of East Kalimantan Province and Samarinda City, he immediately held a meeting with the Head of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) Samarinda. This Monday, Mbah Min immediately made an e-KTP.

In the same location, Umm Kalsum from the Social Assistance Rehabilitation Attention said, Mbah Min had the latest ID card in East Kutai Regency, so it had to be taken care of first to change his domicile.

"When I visited Mbah Min and made his bed, I saw that there was an ID card for the East Kutai area, so this became the basis for collecting ID cards, so information from the Dukcapil must first remove the file from East Kutai, then the ID card issuance process," said Ummu Kalsum.

After coordinating, the Ministry of Social Affairs Team, the East Kalimantan Social Service, and the Samarinda City Social Service immediately headed to the Samarinda Dukcapil Office for further coordination, so that it was decided that Mbah Min's ID card data recording was carried out at the place where Mbah Min lived.

As soon as the e-KTP is made, this Monday also immediately arranges for the creation of BPJS Health and the opening of an account book at Bank Mandiri with a savings value of Rp. 750 thousand in Rusmin's name.

"Everything has been completed this afternoon, the e-KTP has been submitted, the BPJS Health card has been submitted, and the savings book has also been submitted. All in Mbah Min's name. Thank you to all parties in helping Mbah Min," said Feri.

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