JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) supports the move by the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa to allow descendants of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) to become TNI soldiers.

"Komnas HAM really appreciates that it no longer restricts the descendants of the former PKI from recruiting the TNI," said Komnas HAM chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik, quoted by Antara, Sunday, April 3.

According to Taufan, limiting PKI descendants to become TNI soldiers is not in accordance with the rule of law and the constitution. The constitution clearly states that everyone has the same rights and should not be discriminated against for reasons that are not based on law.

The TNI Commander's move, he said, refers to the MPRS XXV/1966 Decree (TAP) which prohibits the PKI and the teachings of Leninism and Marxism. This means that they are not descendants of the PKI who may have absolutely nothing to do with the ideology or party followed by their parents, grandfather or family.

"We can't put in quotation marks the sin of inheritance to our children and grandchildren," said the chairman of the National Human Rights Commission.

If this is still applied, he continued, then it means against or against the constitution, especially Article 28 which accommodates the principles of equality, legal equality, participation in government, work and so on.

According to him, the steps taken by the former Army Chief of Staff (Kasad) lead to the enforcement or equality of human rights in the country.

In fact, he views it as a way to open new horizons or views from all parties. The hope is that there will be no more perspectives that lead to discrimination or differences.

During the New Order era, many children were descendants of former PKI or who were not necessarily PKI but were accused of being PKI. They cannot become civil servants or cannot continue their education.

"They are prevented from getting basic rights, for example, education, work. That has happened for decades, we will repeat the time again," he said.

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