A total of 53 students from the Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) Syeikh Zainuddin NW Anjani East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) experienced mass poisoning after eating rice purchased at a restaurant.

Suralaga Police Chief Iptu Bambang Supriyanto said the mass poisoning case occurred on Sunday night, after the commemoration of the 53rd Ad zikrol Hauliyah MDQH NW Anjani at the Syeikh Zainuddin NW Anjani Islamic Boarding School complex.

"The students are suspected of being poisoned after eating the food given by the committee," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, September 23.

After eating the rice, it didn't take long for the students to experience nausea, dizziness, vomiting, even during dilute urination (BAB).

The victims were immediately taken to the nearest Puskesmas and clinics, such as the Syeikh Zainuddin Clinic, PKM Lenek, Kerongkong and PKM Pringgesela for intensive care.

"Santri whose condition has been declared to have improved are given to return home, while those who have not improved are hospitalized, and these cases are immediately reported to the police," he said.

Members of the Sector Police who received the report went directly to the location, as well as conducted a crime scene investigation, including bringing the remaining rice which was suspected to be the cause of poisoning to the students, to be examined at the POM Hall.

"The case is now under investigation," he said.

The number of students who experienced food poisoning was 53 people, and the students had received treatment at the nearest health center and clinic.

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