JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reported that there were 1,137 natural disasters that hit Indonesia until March 2022. Aceh was the area that experienced the most disasters.

"So if we average daily in one day at least we have three disaster events, this is quite extraordinary," said the Acting Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari at a press conference which was attended regularly by the National Disaster Mitigation Agency. online in Jakarta, Friday April 1st. Based on the type of disaster trend, he stated, Indonesia was again faced with wet hydrometeorological disasters such as floods, landslides, and extreme weather. Provinces with the highest disaster incidence rates in Indonesia in the first three months of this year, namely Aceh, West Sumatra, West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Kalimantan and South Sulawesi. Therefore, he continued, BNPB appealed to local governments in the seven provinces to really pay attention to environmental conditions, rivers and nature. -Nature of the mountains which have been a water catchment area. In addition, the seven local governments are also advised to pay attention to conditions along the river that may have been narrowing or silting. "We really have to fix that together," he said. On the same occasion, Abdul Muhari also said that in March 2022, Indonesia experienced 358 disasters, while in March 2021 there were 537 disasters. "The number of disasters in March 2022 is less than March 2021," he said.

In terms of injured victims, stranded and displaced victims, as well as damaged houses, it was also conveyed, fewer than in the March 2021 period. However, he continued, in terms of the number of dead and missing victims in March this year, the number was higher than March 2021." In March 2021, 17 people died and went missing, while in March this year 29 people, that's an increase of 70 percent," he explained.

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