SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa conveyed the performance of the Provincial Government in 2021 which showed the percentage of achieving the target of 96.41 percent of a total of 2,619 indicators. an increase of 4.42 percent from 91.99 percent in 2020," said Khofifah as quoted by Antara, Monday, March 28.

The performance achievement was explained by Governor Khofifah when submitting a Memorandum of Explanation for the Governor's Accountability Report (LKPJ) at the end of the 2021 Fiscal Year to the East Java DPRD at the Council Building, Jalan Indrapura Surabaya.

According to him, the East Java Provincial Government has succeeded in realizing 2021 revenues of IDR 34.2 trillion or reaching 103.97 percent of the original target of IDR 32.9 trillion.

In detail, the realization of Regional Revenue in 2021 from the component of regional original income (PAD) was able to be realized Rp. 18.9 trillion, equivalent to 110.58 percent of the target of Rp. 17.1 trillion.

This was followed by the realization of transfer revenues of Rp. 15.1 trillion or 97.12 percent of the target of Rp. 15.6 trillion, as well as other legitimate regional incomes which reached Rp. 150.5 billion or 75.2 percent of the target of Rp. 200.2 billion.

Specifically for PAD, the component of regional taxes reached Rp. 15.4 trillion or 108.25 percent of the target of Rp. 14.2 trillion.

In addition to PAD, regional revenue was also contributed by regional retribution which was realized Rp110.9 billion or 100.5 percent of the target of Rp110.3 billion, followed by Regional Wealth Management Results which were separated reached Rp408.6 billion or 101.02 percent of the target of Rp404, 5 billion.

And other legitimate PAD reached IDR 3 trillion or 126.59 percent of the target of IDR 2.3 trillion.

Meanwhile, the performance of regional expenditures in the revised APBD for Fiscal Year 2021, which was planned at Rp. 36.6 trillion, was realized at Rp. 33.8 trillion or 92.44 percent consisting of operational expenditures, capital expenditures, unexpected expenditures and transfer expenditures.

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