KENDARI - The body of Platoon Commander (Danton) Ban Kipan A Post of the Marines Battalion 3 Mupe Task Force in Lower Quary, Kenyam, Nduga Regency, Papua, Posthumous Marine Lt. Muhammad Iqbal, arrived at Haluoleo Airport Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Monday, March 28 at approximately at 4:45 p.m.

According to Antara's observation in the field, the victim's body arrived at Kendari's Haluoleo Airport with a military reception ceremony. Furthermore, the body was taken to his hometown in Anggotoa Village, Wawotobi District, Konawe Regency, using an ambulance that was directly escorted by members of the TNI.

Posthumous Marine Lieutenant Danton Muhammad Iqbal was one of the soldiers who died during an attack by the armed criminal group (KKB) Papua, Saturday, March 26, using a grenade launcher.

Previously, the Coordinator of the Port Health Office (KKP) of Haluoleo Airport, Waode, Umi Mazidah, said that the body of Danton Lt. Lt. Posthumously Marine Muhammad Iqbal was flown by Lion Air JT3763 from Papua and transited in Makassar before arriving in Kendari.

"The body was flown from Timika, Papua, today and transited to Makassar on Lion Air JT3763," he said.

The plane landed in Makassar at 13:35 WITA, then continued at 14:40 WITA to fly to Kendari, using Lion Air JT994.

Meanwhile, Iqbal's funeral home in Anggotoa Village, Wawotobi District, Konawe Regency, was filled with condolences from relatives and a number of officials, such as Dandim 1417/Kendari, Regent of North Konawe, Danrem 172/PWY, Commander Lanal Kendari, and the Chief of Staff. Indonesian Navy.

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