JAKARTA - The Trenggalek Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency, East Java, appealed to residents to be aware of the potential for movable land in Siki Village, Dongko District, because it could trigger subsequent landslides that could endanger life safety.

"Stay alert. Especially when it rains with high intensity because it has the potential to cause further landslides," said Secretary of the Trenggalek Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Tri Puspita Sari, Sunday, March 27.

The warning was conveyed by BPBD following a landslide that occurred in Ngandong Hamlet, Siki Village, Dongko District on Sunday morning at around 09.00 WIB.

Although it did not cause any casualties, the fall from the 15-meter-high cliff with a slope of 46 degrees caused the back of one of the residents' houses to collapse in a landslide.

“The cliff behind Mr. Nurhadi's house collapsed and part of the kitchen was buried. Losses are estimated at Rp 5 million," said Pipit.

BPBD who received a report of the landslide incident then took initial emergency steps.

However, with some considerations, the evacuation could not be carried out. The consideration is that the landslide condition is still unstable.

Joint officers have checked the location, the plan for the material cleaning service is planned to be carried out on Monday, March 27.

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