ACEH - The Aceh Health Service will continue to accelerate the coverage of COVID-19 vaccinations for the community, as the central government allows people to return home during Ramadan 1443 Hijri to Eid. Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) Aceh Health Office, Iman Cheapman, said the provincial government had not set any related policies. Ramadhan and Lebaran homecoming is coming, but what is certain will follow the central government. Our efforts are to accelerate vaccination coverage," he said in Banda Aceh, Friday, March 25. Data from the Aceh Health Service, the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination in the westernmost area of Indonesia has reached 3,850,620 people or 83.5 percent of the total target. government as many as 4,610,820 people. Meanwhile the coverage of the second dose of vaccination in Aceh is still relatively low, namely 2,539,614 people or 55.1 percent and the realization of the third dose of vaccination or new booster is 5.3 percent or as many as 244,172 people.

Until now, said Iman, the government has continued to vaccinate several target groups, such as health workers, public service workers, elderly groups, vulnerable communities and the general public, youth groups aged 12-18 years and children aged 6-11 years. intensify vaccination, especially for the second dose which is still low, at least 70 percent can be achieved quickly. Then the acceleration of vaccination for the elderly and children is also still low. He explained that the strengthening of the second dose of vaccination, the vaccination of the elderly and children, is aimed at preventing residents from being infected with the Omicron variant of COVID-19. With booster vaccination, if you are infected, the symptoms will not be severe. So far, he said, COVID-19 cases in Aceh have reached 43,409 people, of whom 39,547 have recovered, 2,164 have died and 1,698 people are still under medical treatment or self-isolation.

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