MAKASSAR - Two personnel from Polrestabes Makassar, South Sulawesi, were dishonorably dismissed (PTDH) because they were proven to have violated disciplinary rules.

Makassar Police Chief Kombes Budhi Hariyanto directly led the dishonorable discharge ceremony for two Makassar Polrestabes personnel, Aiptu Yudi Priyatno and Brigadier Jalil Kurniady Syarif on Wednesday, March 23.

"PTDH is the final process of violations committed by members. PTDH is carried out after the trial process is completed and has legal force," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 24.

The disrespectful dismissal of the two Makassar Polrestabes personnel was to follow up on the decision of the Head of the South Sulawesi Regional Police Number: KEP /08 / I / 2022 against Aiptu Yudi Hendratno NRP 75040408 Ba Samapta Polrestabes Makassar, South Sulawesi Police.

Aiptu Yudi Hendratno was legally and convincingly proven to have violated Article 14 paragraph (1) letter (a) of leaving his duties illegally for more than 30 consecutive days.

Then the decision Number: KEP /09/I/2022 against Brigadier Jalil Kurniady Syarif NRP 81071077, BA BAG HR Makassar Polrestabes, South Sulawesi Police, was legally and convincingly proven to have violated Article 14 paragraph (1) Letter (a) Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 Year 2003 concerning the dismissal of members of the Indonesian National Police.

The two personnel in the PTDH ceremony were not present or absent, so it was carried out symbolically. The two photos of the personnel were presented and then the Head of Makassar Polrestabes Kombes Pol Budhi Hariyanto crossed over the two photos as evidence that they were no longer members of the National Police.

Makassar Police Chief Kombes Budhi Hariyanto in his mandate conveyed to all members to work sincerely and professionally to serve the community.

"I am not proud to carry out this ceremony. Please use this PTDH incident as a basis for us to be better at carrying out our duties, remember when we registered how hard it was to enter the police," he said.

The Makassar Police Chief reminded all members to remember the difficult times where the process was long and difficult during registration until they were accepted as Bhayangkara personnel.

"Let's all remember the difficult times first, when we first registered. But once accepted, we forgot how hard it was. Forgetting the struggles we did. The forgetfulness dragged on and caused him to really forget himself and no longer remember the hard times. and the difficulties involved when he became a member of the Police," he explained.

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