SUKOHARJO - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) assessed that the actions taken by Densus 88 in immobilizing the terrorist suspect Sunardi in Sukoharjo, Central Java, were in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP).

Secretary of Kompolnas Benny Jozua Mamoto said that his party had invited Densus 88 to Kompolnas to explain the case and the process of Sunardi's arrest. From the results of the presentation given by Densus 88, the terrorism case involving Sunardi has been investigated.

"So, his status is already a suspect, he is no longer suspected," said Benny based on a release received from the Central Java Police, Tuesday, March 15.

To find out whether the Detachment 88 arrest process was in accordance with the SOP and protocol, his party immediately headed to Sukoharjo, Monday, March 14. This was done to see directly the location of the case at the same time as Sunardi's arrest.

"The goal is so that we can understand what the environmental situation is like, what the traffic is like, what the lighting is like, including the position of the witnesses, whether the witness saw directly," he said.

"Last night, we were accompanied by the Sukoharjo Police Chief and members of Densus 88 in a sequential manner starting from the beginning when the process was about to arrest, then the person concerned tried to run away and there was a chase until there were victims in the community, whether it was a car that was hit, grazed and so on," continued he.

From the results found in the field, Kompolnas invited six witnesses who witnessed the arrest process to the Sukoharjo Police.

"From what we found last night, we consulted with the witnesses today. We have heard directly from six witnesses from the community, from the fence was hit, the car was hit, the boxcar was smacked, and the motorbike was hit, we heard all the explanation," said Benny.

His party also listened to information from members of Densus 88 who carried out the arrest process. This is to find out the process and then evaluate whether it is in accordance with fixed procedures (protap) and the National Police Chief's Regulations (Perkap).

"From field findings, interviews from community witnesses and member witnesses concluded that what the members (Densus 88) did was in accordance with SOPs and procedures," he added.

Benny explained that the actions taken by members of Densus 88 to paralyze Sunardi were very risky and could endanger their lives.

"Why? When he was in the back of the shaking car (terror suspect) was about to fall, he could still fire a warning shot upwards, and could still paralyze. Once again, paralyzed. Because we could shoot the head. But not from sideways, and there is a risk of him falling. This I see is riskier for them," he said.

Benny said that Densus 88 could paralyze Sunardi by shooting him in the head. However, the shot hit the hands, arms, back and waist.

"So nothing is addressed to the fatal part," said Benny.

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