JAKARTA - Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergei Ryabkov accused the United States of always trying to provoke Ukraine to continue to fight. The delivery of additional weapons assistance worth 200 million US dollars, or Rp. 2.8 trillion, is the reason Russia accuses America of provocation.

US President Joe Biden on Saturday 12 March signed additional arms aid for Ukraine. Armaments sent to Ukraine are mostly small anti-tank weapons and air attack deterrents.

If calculated since the conflict with Russia in the seizure of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, American arms aid for Ukraine has reached 3.2 billion US dollars, or Rp. 45.8 trillion.

"America has complicated the situation and increased tensions by continuing to provide additional weapons," Ryabov was quoted as saying by the Russian news agency, Tass.

Through Ryabkov, Russia confirmed that any attack targeted at convoys delivering weapons to Ukraine was legitimate. Russia says it is prepared to run the risk if their actions will escalate the war.

According to the spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov, it has so far destroyed 3,687 Ukrainian military installations.

Meanwhile, Russia's RIA news agency quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying that peace talks with Ukraine were still continuing via video link. However, no agreement has been reached between the two warring countries.

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