BANDA ACEH - The District Attorney's Office of Lhokseumawe, Aceh, has destroyed evidence of 8.1 kilograms of methamphetamine, the case of which has permanent legal force.

The destruction took place at the Lhokseumawe District Attorney's Office. The methamphetamine is destroyed by crushing it using a blender.

In addition to methamphetamine, the Lhokseumawe District Attorney's Office also destroyed marijuana-type narcotics weighing up to 233.94 grams. The destroyed narcotics were evidence from 34 cases from July 2021 to March 2022.

Head of the Intelligence Section of the Prosecutor's Office of Lhokseumawe, Miftah, said the destruction was carried out to eliminate the function of the prohibited item so that it could not be used.

"The destruction of the narcotic evidence is carried out because it already has permanent legal force. The destruction is also the execution of the court judge's decision", Miftah said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 10.

Miftah said the extermination was an effort to raise public awareness to jointly eradicate drug trafficking and abuse.

"We hope that with this extermination, the public can become more aware so that in the future no one will commit narcotics or illegal drugs", said Miftah.

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