JAKARTA - VP Corporate Secretary of KAI Commuter Anne Purba said that KRL passengers can sit without a distance starting today, Wednesday 9 March 2022. KRL from the existing distance-keeping markers," said Anne in her statement quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 9. Anne said that KAI Commuter is currently running KRL operations and services according to the latest regulations from the government, namely the Circular Letter of the Ministry of Transportation Number 25 of 2022. In these regulations, Commuter trains in agglomeration areas including the Jabodetabek KRL and Yogyakarta–Solo KRL are allowed to serve users up to 60 percent of capacity. According to him, this policy is an increase after previously serving only 45 percent of capacity. to be more disciplined to follow standing markings But it applies in line with the capacity restrictions stipulated in the SE of the Ministry of Transportation," he said. He continued for children under five years old (toddlers) who were previously not allowed to use the KRL, now they can get back on the KRL provided that they are accompanied by their parents and follow health protocols regularly. strict and use KRL outside peak hours. KAI Commuter urges users to continue to prioritize the health of children, especially those who have not been vaccinated and avoid mobility except for important or urgent matters.

Anne emphasized that although there are more flexible travel rules, in line with the improved handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, KRL users still need to follow health rules and protocols. " he said. He added that KRL operations will continue to run at 04:00 – 22:00 WIB with 1,005 trips per day. Meanwhile, the Yogyakarta–Solo KRL will also continue to operate with 20 KRL trips per day.

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