AMBON - Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Regional Police (Polda) Grand Commissioner Pol M. Roem Ohoirat said security in Kariuw, Haruku Island, Central Maluku, is still being carried out until reconciliation and rehabilitation are completed.

"While our members are still carrying out security there, until the reconciliation and rehabilitation is complete," said Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Grand Commissioner Pol. M. Roem Ohoirat, at the Maluku Police Headquarters, Monday 7 March.

According to him, apart from the duties of the National Police, those related to reconciliation and rehabilitation are also in the realm of the regional government and related agencies.

"We hope that this is encouraged and cooperated, so that they can handle the Ori-Kariuw case as a whole," he said.

Meanwhile, Haruku Island Police Chief, Insp. Julkisno Kaisupy said that the current conditions in Kariuw, Haruku Island are safe and conducive.

"Thank God the conditions here are conducive," said Kaisupy.

Previously he had also given an appeal to the people of Ori and Kariuw to maintain the condition of security and public order (Kamtibmas) which was getting better day by day.

"It's better to focus on making a living to support each other's families and avoid criminal acts that can be difficult for the community and can disrupt public order," he said.

The new police chief on Haruku Island also asked the public to avoid alcohol because one of the causes of social security disturbances is alcohol which causes criminal acts.

"I urge you to avoid drinking alcohol because most of it is the cause of criminal acts, disturbances in public order and traffic accidents," he concluded.

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