JAKARTA - High rainfall intensity caused rivers to overflow in the Lawean and Rejoso areas in Pasuruan Regency, East Java, Friday afternoon, March 4th. Minimize the impact of aftershocks of temporary embankments built in the watershed (DAS).

Acting Head of the Center for Disaster Data, Information and Communication of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Abdul Muhari said the construction of a temporary embankment was to prevent water from overflowing if heavy rains returned.

"The Pasuruan Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), a joint team and the community worked together to build a temporary embankment using 400 sandbags provided by BPBD," Abdul said in a written statement, Saturday, March 5, quoted from Antara.

Based on the latest data today at 06.30 WIB, as many as 340 housing units totaling 340 families were affected by the flooding in the Lawean and Rejoso watersheds with varying heights between 20-50 centimeters. The flood is now gradually receding.

Abdul noted that four villages were affected by the flood, namely in Nguling District, including Nguling Village, Penunggul Village and Mlaten Village. Then in Winongan District includes Winongan Lor Village.

BPBD Pasuran Regency together with a joint team consisting of TNI/Polri, local government and volunteers moved to affected locations when the flood occurred, to monitor, collect data and provide ready-to-eat food support for affected residents.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) issued an early warning of moderate to heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds from Saturday 5 March to Monday 7 March for Pasuruan Regency and parts of East Java Province.

Responding to this, BNPB appealed to local governments and the public to remain alert to the potential for heavy rains that could lead to further flooding.

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