JAKARTA - The Southeast Sulawesi Police's Ditreskrimsus confiscated 50 cubic meters of wood suspected of being the result of illegal logging or illegal logging in the jurisdiction of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police.

Head of the Sub-Directorate for Certain Crimes (Kasubdtiper) of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Sultra AKBP Prio Utomo said the tens of cubic meters of wood that were secured were the result of patrol activities to prevent and arrest illegal logging perpetrators in the Southeast Sulawesi region.

"The total evidence that was secured was 50 cubic meters of mixed wood and three trucks. The logs were the result of a four-day operation at the end of last February," said AKBP Prio Utomo, Saturday, March 5.

He said that from the case, five suspects, namely the initials KK, SM, IR, IM, and SR, were arrested in three different places, namely the Kendari City area, North Konawe Regency (Konut), and South Konawe (Konsel).

Prio said the arrests of the suspects began with an investigation related to reports of illegal logging. Then about two weeks later, his party explored the activities of the suspects by conducting analysis, mapping (mapping) and then taking action.

"We accommodate all information from the public, from other elements related to illegal logging that may be rife in the Southeast Sulawesi region," said Prio, taken from Antara.

Currently, the suspects are being detained at the South Sulawesi Police Headquarters. The police are currently completing the case files for the suspects for phase I, and even coordinating with the public prosecutor (JPU) so that they can be transferred to the prosecutor's office more quickly.

According to Prio, the suspects are processing, controlling and transporting wood with activities for about a month in processing. The suspects confessed to the police that they would sell the wood to the Kendari City area, and even cross to the South Sulawesi Province (South Sulawesi).

"From the statements of the suspects, in the future we will develop efforts to take action and prevent illegal logging which causes forest damage in other areas," he also said.

The suspects were charged with Article 88 paragraph 1 letter a in conjunction with Article 16 and/or Article 83 paragraph 1 letters a, b and c of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 18 of 2013 concerning the prevention and eradication of forest damage.

"As amended in Article 37 point 13 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, the threat is 15 years in prison," said Prio Utomo.

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