JAKARTA - The incident of mistreatment of a truck driver by a well-built man at a red light in Cibubur, Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta, began when the victim's vehicle (the truck driver) grazed the perpetrator's motorbike. According to the truck driver's statement to the police, the perpetrator admitted to being a member. However, the unit is not known.

Pasar Rebo Police Chief Kompol M. Marbun said the incident began when traffic conditions at the location were jammed because the light was still red but the truck driver wanted to go. Shortly after, the truck grazed the motorcycle that was being driven by the perpetrator.

"Initially, the perpetrators were smitten. The perpetrators were motorcyclists," said M. Marbun in Jakarta, Friday.

Marbun said that the burly man who assaulted the truck driver had admitted to being a "member".

"The perpetrator had said 'I am a member, I am a member'," said Marbun.

Marbun said the statement was obtained based on reports from victims at the Pasar Rebo Police Headquarters.

"Yes, according to his statement (the victim) is like that," said Marbun.

However, Marbun stated, his staff did not know the intent of the perpetrator who called himself a "member". Now, his staff is still hunting for the perpetrators of the persecution.

"Just pray that we can reveal it," said Marboen.

Previously, a video went viral on social media of a well-built man molesting a truck driver in the Cibubur area, Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta.

The video of the persecution went viral after being uploaded on several Instagram accounts.

It is not known when the incident occurred. In the video, a burly man wearing a black t-shirt can be seen standing in front of the victim's green truck.

When the victim got off the truck and approached the perpetrator, the victim was immediately abused until he was slammed to the ground. After falling, the victim continued to be abused by the perpetrator.

The incident prompted local residents to intervene to prevent the perpetrator from continuing to persecute the victim. It was also seen that a man wearing a green striped uniform came to intervene between the two sides.

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