TANGERANG - The number of COVID-19 cases in Tangerang City has decreased. The Tangerang City Education Office will again implement a limited face-to-face learning system (PTMT) at the Elementary School (SD) level.

Head of Development for SD Dindik Tangerang City Helmiati said it would be implemented on Monday, March 7th. Later that will start from sixth grade elementary school students.

"Yes, starting on March 7 we have started limited PTM again, but those who enter the 6th grade first. We think grade 6 can understand the progress of the program better, by giving an example to our juniors," said Helmiati when confirmed, Wednesday, March 2.

"After a week we evaluate, if it's really good, class 5 class 4, then if okay then class 1, 2, 3," he continued.

In practice, students only make up 50 percent of the capacity in the class. Then they only study for three hours.

“So every child in one week is entered three times. So we divide into two in one class, there are even and odd absent numbers," he said.

Meanwhile, the Principal of SDN Tangerang 1 Darma said that his party had prepared the implementation of PTMP. He claimed to have disseminated it to parents and teachers at the school.

"God willing, the school is ready to implement PTMT. We have done socialization to the school community," he said.

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